Grade: 7.5/10
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Hatred - Blasphemous deliverance CD
Genre: Old school death metal
Origin: The Netherlands
Released: 2008
Website: Hatred
Label: Deity Down Records
Uploaded: 07.05.08

When the first three tracks on an album are called Christian dogma, Religion = war and The atheist, there�s no doubt about the band�s view on religion. And when reading their lyrics it�s evident that it�s not just bits about how cool and evil Satan is (which is the case with tons of bands), but rather thought worthy writings about taking responsibility for your own actions in life, and not just blaming, or relying on, religion. Sure, there are a few lyrics that aren�t like that, but it�s still a breath of fresh air in death metal.
�Cause death metal is what this is, old school death, flavored with high doses of thrash. At times it�s reminiscent of some of the older Swedish bands of the genre, such as Nihilist/Entombed (for instance Enslaved by a living deity) and Dismember (Beholder of hate), but the music�s definitely been chunked up by some more modern touches. And some tracks just reek of old school thrash, such as Involution. But there�s also some parts of just slow, headbanger-friendly groove, while the main tempo is pretty fast-forward.
It�s a damn good album that I�m sure will satisfy a lot of metalheads out there. And it doesn�t hurt either that the sound is great, with a pretty thick production. What�s also cool is that Koen sometimes sound a lot like L-G Petrov did on the Left hand path album.

01. Christian dogma
02. Religion = war
03. The atheist
04. Involution
05. Beholder of hate
06. Transition
07. Enslaved by a living deity
08. Blessed by possession
09. Reflected in dead eyes
10. Blasphemous deliverance