Grade: 8.5/10
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Thorns on the...
- CD, 2006.
North - Na polach bitew CD
Genre: Folk/black metal
Origin: Poland
Released: 2006
Website: North
Label: Pagan Records
Uploaded: 09.04.08

North sure have changed since their �95 debut Thorns on the Black Rose, going from melodic/raw black metal to an aggressive mix of black/death/folk metal called �pagan war metal�. All lyrics are in the native tongue, which is to be preferred when dealing with native/local history. I don�t know if the booklet contains English translations (�cause there�s no booklet included with the promo), but the track titles are translated; giving you a hint of the contents. And while concentrating on ancient wars and battles, titles such as Pamiec Przeszlosci (Remembrance of the Past) and Dni Miecza (The Days of the Sword) tells you that, they still get across their blasphemous anti-religious views with Religia Klamstwa i Nienawiscia (Religion of Lies and Hatred).
Anyway� Musically it�s extremely aggressive, fast-forward death metal reeking of thrash, black and viking metal as well as a hint of grindcore. The absolutely lethal riffing is pushed forward by the mangling drums, laced with chainsaw guitar solos, and given a brutal approach due to the vocals; ranging from harsh screaming to wicked growling. Everything about the tunes just simply oozes hatred. Sure, the recipe remains somewhat the same, and the production could be thicker, but I don�t give a rat�s arse � this is too damn brutal to give a shit. Kick-fucking-ass!

01. Wojna trwa
02. Pamiec przeszlosci
03. Dni miecza
04. Slonca znak
05. Religia klamstwa i nienawisci
06. Krew bohater�w
07. Na polach bitew