Grade: 6.5/10
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The Scarlet Letter - Pure, unadulterated-adultery 7"
Genre: Hardcore
Origin: USA
Released: -
Website: -
Label: Assault Records
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This is pretty difficult for me to describe. I don�t listen that much to hardcore, so I�m not quite sure how to label this. Old school hardcore maybe? Who cares, it�s pretty good. Although way softer than most of my record collection, this is very catchy. Makes me move along with the music. It�s got some grind parts that fits in great. The production is raw enough to give it a dirty edge, but not ruin the sound. Main vocals are rough and definitely in the vein of older hardcore bands. There�s some other guy that screams his lungs out at times, works great.
Political lyrics about the United States government, capitalism, injustices� And some personal touch to it with a love song! �Love songs aren�t wrong just because the cool kids don�t want to sing along�, haha. There you go, all you cool kids.
The music is very catchy and energetic, rough, raw and great. Don�t judge this by my kind of low rating, it truly is a good piece of vinyl, just maybe not what I normally listen to.

1. The real world: New Brunswick
2. Nordberg
3. The individual
4. Sunday social hour
5. Be sure to drink your ovaltine
6. In Todd we trust
7. Where glances meet
8. A solitary love song
9. History is a lie