Androphagous / Toxic Revolution CD
Genre: Grindcore
Origin: Germany
Released: 2008
Website: ,
Label: FDA Rekotz
Uploaded: 09.07.08

I�ve never heard either of these bands, and to tell you the truth I�ve never even heard of them. But boy oh boy, I will without a doubt look up Androphagous, as they open up with thirteen tracks of totally in your face old school grindcore. The brutal, fast blasting just reeks of Repulsion and Terrorizer, but with the addition of a slightly different riffing than said bands, they add a touch of the classic Swedish vibe to the mangling. And that Swedish vibe has a more melodic (dare I say melodic when I�m talking about a grindcore act?) riffing than the purely old school acts, instead of the just ultra brutal pummeling that we know from the past. The speed is set at an almost constant fast forward, with the exception for the slower, yet still grinding, sections of the tunes. And the harsh screaming just gets the blood pumping. Simply put just relentless grindcore!
Now Toxic Revolution on the other hand differs quite a bit from their split mates, as they present a hardcore/crustcore mix, sped up to grindcore. Unfortunately the tracklist on the back is all messed up, and I don�t have the energy to try and figure out which song�s which. And that sucks � a lot! �Cause now I can�t tell you which song I�m really talking about when I say that their sound can definitely differ. Some stuff is almost pure From Ashes Rise-like gloomy hardcore, while a couple of tracks remind me of Agathocles, some gets me thinking of Obligatorisk Tortyr, and others are just insane grindcore. But what all tracks have in common is loads of energy and wicked dual vocals. Great stuff that�s sure to get the adrenaline rushing.

01. The endless blockade
02. The plague
03. Assault
04. Three or nothing
05. From ashes
06. Logic of chaos
07. Swarm
08. Riot
09. Repulsion
10. No turning black
11. Ready?
12. Unrest
13. No justice no peace
Toxic Revolution:
01. Burt Reynolds mustache
02. Kick ass
03. Party grind holocaust
04. Emo C:C
05. Psycho shit
06. Religious rampage
07. Discharged/volcano
08. I hate metalcore kids
09. Talk shit
10. Nose destruction program
11. Leave us alone
12. Misantrophic reaction
13. Intro
14. Never too old
15. Eruption
16. Relationshit
17. Worn out
18. Violent arrest