Grade: 10/10
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The Balustrade Ensemble - Capsules CD
Genre: Ambience
Origin: USA
Released: 2007
Label: Ominous Recordings
Uploaded: 09.04.08

This album is extremely different from what I usually review, and I know absolutely nothing about the band. From what I understand it�s a one-man composition, executed via the help of numerous musicians playing some fairly unusual instruments (unusual when it comes to a zine normally reviewing metal and punk oriented music) such as pedal steel, mellotron and celesta. So you can imagine I�m in some very murky waters trying to find my way amidst the 40 minutes that is Capsules.
The music presented here does however not paint the picture of some murky swamp, with a mysterious lonely shack filled with all kinds of murderous tools dripping of blood (as the case is with tons of the stuff I review here). No, this is as far away from that as possible. Some tracks, Glorianders for instance, lets me drift away in a fantasy land filled with all kinds of fairytale animals. A place where words such as �pain� and �war� have never been heard of. At other times (Fall away into darkness is a perfect example) I feel like the most solitude man on the planet, overcome with grief. I�ve just lost my entire family and have nothing left to cling onto except the desolate hope that I might sometime meet them again.
This is what Capsules is about; emotion. You will probably stumble upon entirely different feelings, and encounter completely different thoughts if you let your fantasies drift away to this album. But I beg of you; please do! This is without a doubt the most atmospheric record I�ve ever heard. It�s incredibly skillfully done, the composing is clever and the musicianship is impressive. Everything about this album has such a mysterious aura that is unmatched, to my knowledge.

01. Glorianders
02. The drowning calm
03. Tangle in delirium
04. Synnove skeie
05. Incarnadine
06. Pears
07. Fall away into darkness
08. A long fetch over
09. The museums of sleep
10. Sz�l a zene