Grade: 9/10
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Torn Apart - Craving pale flesh MCD
Genre: Death metal
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2007
Website: Torn Apart
Uploaded: 09.04.08

A very popular death metal lyrical theme is gore, and Torn Apart is certainly no exception. These Swedish lads serve lyrics regarding rape, necrophilia, cannibalism and some rather gruesome, violent bits about ripping heads in two and dancing in a fountain of blood. A couple of passages are quite sickening, so they�ve definitely succeeded in creating brutal lyrics. Musically it�s pretty much the same � brutal-as-hell!
Absolutely hammering drumming, slick, technical guitar-work and a heavy, brutal bass sound packaged in a thick production. I absolutely love the heavy chugging sound. Deep and killer growls accompanied by wicked screams. It all reeks of professionalism and I would never have guessed this to be the band�s debut record.
Torn Apart reminds me a lot of two other Swedish acts; Relentless and Sanctification. Two bands who�ve produced two fucking masterpieces, but that unfortunately haven�t gotten the attention they deserve. Hopefully that won�t be the case for Torn Apart, I�d really like to see their next output on a major label.

01. Slaughtered by hand
02. The impaler
03. Craving pale flesh
04. Morbid penetration