Grade: 10/10
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Totalit�r - Vi �r eliten CD
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2007
Website: -
Label: Prank Records
Uploaded: 09.04.08

These gramps� still got it. It�s too damn bad it�s the last record of Totalit�r, one of the most respected and loved crust acts ever. And what sucks even more is that this is one of their best releases, which makes me long even more for new tunes. If it wasn�t for the Klass inte ras 7� I might even had called Vi �r eliten thee best.
Bloody smoldering d-beat hardcorepunk. Drums pounding you into the dust, rambling strings and Poffen�s trademark vocals screaming absolutely furious political lyrics. The lyrical content is deadly serious and top notch as always. This will without a doubt become a future classic, from a classic band. Each riff and solo digs into your spine and sends lightning bolts through your entire body. Just absolutely outrageous d-beat, brutal-as-hell and arse-shredding. I honestly don�t know what else to say, so I�ll end this review with the same quote as the promo sheet: �if you don�t like Totalit�r, you don�t have a punk bone in your body� //Bruce Roehrs of Maximum Rock�n�Roll.

01. Vi �r eliten
02. Fienden
03. Du har s� kalla h�nder
04. En av dom som dom sk�mtar om
05. Mer skit att v�lja
06. Piller mot allt
07. Nej vi ska inte ha n�t
08. Det lyckade barnet
09. �vertid, �verfl�d, mot f�r tidig d�d
10. Vi �r eliten
11. Dom hyllar v�ldet
12. Du som bara hatar
13. H�rs jag, syns jag?
14. Psykopaten best�mmer
15. Vi �r inte m�nniskor
16. M�rket jag b�r
17. In i ruset