Grade: 4/10
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Triad 81 - Promo 2006 CD-R
Genre: Hardcore
Origin: The Netherlands
Released: 2006
Website: Triad 81
Label: -
Uploaded: 19.03.07

This was a difficult record to categorize. Triad 81 falls somewhere in between metalcore and well, I don�t know, but something else too. A bit like taking the essence of Meshuggah and mixing it with screamo and punk, so it�s a bit diffuse.
I�ve never heard of Triad 81 before, but they were apparently called Angry Minded in the past, not that it helps me refresh my memory. Anyway, these guys play some form of new school hardcore with doses of punk, grindcore and metal. Harsh screams as well as clean vocals are used, though I really don�t get the use of clean vocals here, but that�s a different story. The demo (or promo, maybe) starts off with a crusty, grinding hardcore tune, which sadly evolves into a not-so-good song after a minute or so (excluding the meaningless intro). I don�t understand why they have to blend the blasting and screaming with half-arsed chuggah chuggah and crappy clean vox. And this is a constant thought throughout the eight minutes of music.
They should try to decide which foot to stand on, �cause this mix leaves me utterly confused. And why the hell have they included that extremely crappy intro for Right Now. I mean, it just plain sucks.
Another demo or two to evolve is my recommendation.

01. No heroes
02. Start another fire
03. Right now