Genre: Powerviolence/grindcore
Origin: Germany
Released: -
Website: -
Label: Per Koro Records
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No slow shit here, I can tell you that. Just mangle straight through. Tumult hails from Germany, and all of their lyrics are in German with occasional English phrases like �Tumult are the best� and �eat my dust�.
Have you heard the band Y (also German)? Well, imagine Y shortening their songs and grinding straight through, and you kinda get what Tumult�s about. Or if you imagine Yac�psae (yet again German) with more hoarse vocals and a little down-tuned.
This is a great album for blowing your mind away without taking it to the too extremes. As I said they grind like hell, and every song except for four of them are under 1 minute long. The artwork is also pretty cool. Stark and darkness are the keywords here. Completely in black except for the angel-statues in grey and the logo in silver. Both of the T�s in the logo are actually crosses with a crucified person on them, fits great with the angel theme. If you like fast music and in shorter doses then this is for you. It never gets boring and you never get a chance to feel like they�re just repeating themselves, the songs are too short for that. Kick-ass!
1. Dat is punk
2. B�hse tumultz
3. Entschuldigen sie bitte
4. Faules fleisch
5. Ist mir doch egal
6. Tausendmal geh�rt
7. Scheissverein
8. Heuchler vor dem herrn
9. Vollblutasi
10. Problem nr.1
11. V8-arschtreter
12. Im banne des geh�rnten
13. Heile welt
14. Fussball, frauen, feste feiern
15. Gotts�chtig
16. Alles vernichtet
17. Sterbenskrank
18. Novus ordo seclorum
19. Mein name ist honk
20. Ohne gesicht
21. Lachen ist gesund
22. Der unglaubliche holk