Grade: 6/10
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Tyrannic Ethical Reconstruction - Sin life death CD-R
Genre: Death/black metal
Origin: Italy
Released: 2006
Website: Tyrannic Ethical Reconstruction
Label: -
Uploaded: 19.03.07

The first time I heard this demo my initial thought was �jeez, what a rush�. But every time I hear it I get more and more convinced this is not as mind-blowing as I�d initially thought. That doesn�t necessarily mean bad, though!
The Holy Sin opens up with a really thrashy death riffing, and my mind goes to Slayer for a few seconds. That association quickly dies out as soon as it changes to fast-forward death metal mangling with growling and screaming overlapping each other. But since the tempo changes back and forth so does the thrashy feeling, and it comes back to haunt you every now and then. Freedom to Decide is on the other hand more black metal related, with serious doses of death metal, which constantly remains the core. Metastasis opens with blazing speed and slick riffing, which is without a doubt good. But the really killer parts here are the guitar solo accompanying the blasting about 2.05, and the war-like breakdown about 4.38, into the track.
The riffing remains chunky throughout the three tracks, which adds a really heavy atmosphere. As I said earlier the tempo often changes from full on blasting to a more headbanger friendly touch. And it�s the latter one that satisfies me the most, for some of the fast bits the drumming seems a bit out of sync. And while we�re on the subject of drumming I might as well mention the fact that it sounds a bit rigid at times, and at first I thought it was a drum machine. But from what I read on the band�s website they�ve parted ways with the drummer, so in the future it might sound a bit more living. The two vocal styles often interact with each other, one growling and one screaming. Both of them are decent, but the screaming would fit a grind band more, and so it gets a little annoying after a while.
It�s not bad for a second demo, but I do feel they would�ve needed one more to develop instead of recording a fullength and looking for a label.

01. The holy sin
02. Freedom to decide
03. Metastasis