Grade: 7/10
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- MCD, 2008.
Tinner - Harder - Faster - Tinner MCD
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Finland
Released: 2007
Label: Show Me Your Tits Records
Uploaded: 08.10.08

This is the debut by these Finnish crusties cussing in Swedish. And even without giving it a listen you�ll get a fair idea of what they�re all about just by taking a look at the track titles; Hotel: Public toilet, Don�t feed the hobo�s, We�re not PC and Killyourboss (all titles roughly translated by me, as they�re originally in Swedish, as stated before). And it�s definitely safe to say they�re not politically correct all the time, it�s even released on a label called Show Me Your Tits Records, which would get any hardcore PC kid to go nuts in a murderous rampage. But on to the music, shall we�
It varies quite rapidly, in between tracks, what kind of crustcore we�re talking about. It starts off with a very Mot�rhead-ish rock �n� roll track that would make Skitkids jealous anytime. But as soon as the opening riff in Inget kr�ngel sets in I expect a grinding tune, but is left with a more conventional modern crust agenda. And if we take �stert�lje by night as an example it sounds a bit like mixing the old Anti Cimex sound with Shitlickers. This, while Koks i lasten reminds me a lot of Totalit�r. So I guess it�s safe to say there�s a lot of diversity going on, but it never leaves the crustcore recipe behind, it�s just spiced with various flavours.
But enough name-dropping. The musicianship leaves nothing to complain about. It�s rough and hard, just like the genre. And the riffing is actually quite enjoyable, which is certainly not always the case for said genre as it can, more than often, just become a blurry mess when delivered by half-arsed musicians. There�s tons of hooks and twists and turns, but I think that�s because of the wide variety in styles. My favourite tune is, without a doubt, Snedt�nd � igen. And that�s due to the brutal and harsh growls sharing the vocal duties for the track. �Cause the gnarly screams can actually become a tad annoying, as it sort of gnaws its way into your brain. But speaking of favourites I also have to mention R�dda Joppe, just due to the hilarious lyrics. And humour there is a lot of.

01. Hotell: Offentlig toalett
02. Inget kr�ngel
03. F�r man ta crusthunden med sig in i himlen?
04. Snedt�nd � igen
05. Koks i lasten
06. Mata inte uteliggarna
07. Nuclear assault
08. Vi �r inte PK
09. Dom kallar oss Tinner
10. D�dadinchef
11. R�dda Joppe
12. Maria Pol har st�ngt
13. �stert�lje by night
14. Heroind�d