Grade: 8/10
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Harder - Faster...
- MCD, 2007.
Tinner - You wanted the best, you got the worst MCD
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Finland
Released: 2008
Label: Show Me Your Tits Records
Uploaded: 08.10.08

Hehe, anyone who�s heard of Beherit? Well, Tinner definitely have, and once again they show their keen sense for humour with their new logo and cover. But the similarities stop there, �cause this is no way near black metal. With their new assault You wanted the best, you got the worst the d-beat is harder, the riffing is even more lethal and the sound is thicker. This time they take on (among others) indie kids, all-girl bands, metalcore, artsy fartsy artists and the model industry.
And right from the get go it�s obvious that the sound is vastly improved, and carries a much harder punch. But not only that, the vocals that annoyed me a tad on Harder � Faster - Tinner is tweaked, and sounds more like a pissed off man than a rabid badger. So everything that kicked arse before is now just that much better. Crustcore flavoured with rock �n� roll is still the main agenda, and the humorous lyrics are still impeccable. And with the improved sound comes a much more enjoyable experience, as the slicing guitar lines stands out more. Killer drumming with slick riffing and harsh screaming, what else do you need.
The seven new tracks are kick-arse, and afterwards we get five live tracks recorded at the Obscene Extreme Festival of 07. The sound here could definitely have used some improvement, but what the hell, the record is worth its price for the new tunes alone.

01. Mer indie �n du
02. Retuschera mig
03. Ditt brudband suger
04. Ta din kepsmetal och dra �t helvete
05. G� och ta bort dig
06. Urs�kta var �r r�nnstenen?
07. Br�nn baskern
08. D�dadinchef
09. F�r man ta crusthunden med sig in i himlen?
10. Snedt�nd � igen
11. Koks i lasten
12. Heroind�d