Grade: 5/10
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Serpent lord
- CD-R, 2006.
Titanum - Aftermath CD-R
Genre: Death metal
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2005
Website: Titanum
Label: -
Uploaded: 30.03.06

With an intro taken from a Carl Orff�s O� Fortuna I don�t really have high hopes for this one. It just feels tacky to use that for an intro. Come up with something of your own instead. But there are some very interesting parts about this demo. One of them being the fact that two of the songs are in Swedish, which is pretty unusual when it comes to death metal.
Syndarens fall - The churning death metal riffs sets in, the drums start pounding and the growling goes off. It�s pretty cool, but you keep waiting for the speed to set in. It feels like a prolonged intro or too long of a breakdown. The second track, R�dnatt starts with a drum-intro that sounds like it�s an Iron Maiden track before it evolves into to the same mid-tempo death metal. And then it silences� To prepare for the guitar solo from a Swedish bedtime song Trollmor. But towards the end of the song we finally here some grinding, but only for nine seconds. And Like a flower starts with an awesome intro of whispered growls and melodies. So the demo possesses some really great parts, but too much plain, un-inspired death metal. More grinding would definitely take care of that. And grinding compared to the mystical breakdowns in Like a flower would result in a kick-ass song� Battle fury is the closest they come, and that�s still too little grinding.
I don�t know� More grind and maybe a little screaming from time to time would definitely improve this, but otherwise I�d say they're on the right path. �Cause there is a certain something about it, I just wish for more�

01. Intro
02. Syndarens fall
03. R�dnatt
04. Like a flower
05. Battle fury