Grade: 6.5/10
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- CD-R, 2005.
Titanum - Serpent lord CD-R
Genre: Death metal
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2006
Website: Titanum
Label: -
Uploaded: 19.03.07

It�s not often that I receive a demo where the band has forgotten to include a track list, this might even be a first actually, but since I can find it on their website instead I guess it�ll do. Anyway, this is the second demo from the lads, and they sure have evolved since the Aftermath demo.
When I reviewed the previous demo I kept complaining about the lack of blasting, and while the tempo has been upped a bit there�s still not a whole lot of blasting. And you know what, I�m actually glad! �Cause it seems that Titanum have found their style with the heavy, churning old school death metal riffing backed up by semi-technical drumming and pretty harsh growling. The tempo is mostly mid, with some ultra heavy slow parts and some more brutal fast parts. And surprisingly I find their strong point to be the slower churning parts, which is extremely headbanger friendly. The production has also been improved a whole lot, so the sound is much stronger and with a greater impact.
Throughout Serpent Lord I find some clear comparisons to Nile, I mean just look at the artwork and demo title, but also music wise. Though this never reaches the speed of said band, and is more in the direction of late 80ies/early 90ies American death metal instead of most bands today that seems to be competing over who can grind the fastest. And even though this is much better than the previous demo I still think they need another one to evolve, but this shows some great potential from a young band.

01. Serpent lord
02. Twist in pain
03. Save your prayers
04. For the skies
05. Natural selection