Grade: 6/10
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V/A - Tribute to Mortician CD
Genre: Death metal
Origin: -
Released: 2006
Website: -
Label: Alarma Records
Uploaded: 09.04.08

It seems that tribute albums is fashion at the moment, but in my experience they�re often disappointing; as many bands as possible jammed into a single CD, without any care about the sound quality nor the quality of the band. But when I saw the line-up for this one I was really excited. Depression, Screaming Afterbirth, Rot, Ancient Necropsy, Corpsefucking Art and Lymphatic Phlegm (to mention just a few) are not known for disappointing, so the Mortician tribute shows a lot of potential. And during my initial listen I was blown away by the brutality of some of the acts I�ve never heard of. And I will definitely look up Fleshbomb after hearing their powerful interpretation of Zombie Apocalypse. And the sound quality is also much better than on most tributes, but the overall quality and excitement goes down the drain after a while, as the great sound�s not present during the middle part of the CD. But nevermind, most acts deliver the goods quite well anyway. But this is a tribute album, as mentioned several times already, meaning there are no original songs and only covers of the almighty Mortician. So of course the songs are blasting, mangling, shredding pieces of utter death metal brutality. Sure, some versions aren�t exactly the best I�ve heard, but overall the quality of the contributing acts are acceptable. But of course there has to be that absolutely sucky band too, and in this case it�s 3:15 AM.
Some notes are written down by Vincent Touzeau of Vomit Zine, explaining why Mortician kicks so much arse. Bloody wicked cover artwork by Phlegeton Art Studio as well. It�s cool to find acts from all over the world on here too, eventhough I�m surprised there aren�t any Asian or Scandinavian ones. To sum it all up it�s a good CD, and actually one of the better tribute albums I�ve encountered.

XXX Maniak
01. Hacked up for BBQ
02. Bloodcraving
03. Zombie apocalypse
04. Slaughterhouse
Rigor Mortis
05. Dead and buried
Huevo Duro
06. Lord of dead pt. 2
07. Stab
Venereal Disease
08. Cannibal feast
Brutal Noise
09. Island of the death
Sewage Sammich
10. Fog of death
Screaming Afterbirth
11. Cremate
Cannibal Motivation
12. Aniquilacion
Sodomy Torture
13. Drilling for brains
Serrando Codos
14. Massacred
Inbreeding Sick
15. Devoured alive
Iron Buttler
16. Ripped in half
Gangrena Febrosa
17. Barbaric cruelties
18. Rabid
Umblical Fetal Strangulation
19. Brutally mutilated
20. Zombie apocalypse
21. Mangled (Destrozame � Morticina mi amor)
22. Hacked up for BBQ
23. Driller killer
3:15 AM
24. Final bloodbath
25. Cannibalized
26. Slaughterhouse
Methadone Abortion Clinic
27. Three on a meathook
28. Silent night, bloody night
Funeral Rape
29. Decapitated
30. Silent night, bloody night
31. Bone crusher
Social Shit
32. Massacred
Bestial Devastation
33. Voodoo curse
Carnivore Mind
34. Silent night, bloody night
Ancient Necropsy
35. Apocalyptic devastation
36. Dr. Gore
Vomit Slit
37. Ripped in half / Drowned in blood medley
Corpsefucking Art
38. Bloodcraving
Lymphatic Phlegm
39. Blown to pieces