Grade: 8.5/10
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D-beat destruction
- 7", 2007.

When the innocent...
- CD-R, 2007.

w/ Tortyr
- 7", 2007.
Warvictims - Krigsoffer E.P. 7"
Genre: Crustcore
Origin: Sweden
Released: 2007
Label: Svaveldioxid
Uploaded: 09.04.08

When I first got in contact with Warvictims on their When the innocent cry demo I was definitely struck by a nuclear d-beat driven arrow, shot from above by a nude midget called Cupid. So when this 7�, the band�s debut, fell into my mailbox I had quite high expectations. And damn it if it didn�t come true. It�s heavy, brutal-as-hell and just plain arse-shredding crustcore. Fans of Besth�ven, Disclose and Warcollapse will have no problem getting the hang of Warvictims. Punishing d-beat mangle, ripping riffs and brutal growls accomplished by gnarly screams. This is old school crust the way it should be � drained in war-themed lyrics, patched up, studded and ready for a moshpit. Absolutely arse-kicking. And if you were to doubt the band members love for crust, all you have to do is take a look at the photo included; five dudes wearing Discharge, Disfear, Disgust, Disrupt and Extreme Noise Terror shirts! Need I say more?

01. Domedagen
02. D�den fr�n ovan
03. Historien upprepas
04. Open grave
05. No escape, no tomorrow
06. Blodbad