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Warcollapse - Defy!, CD - Crustcore
Wardance / Penalty Time, LP - Crustcore vs. Hardcorepunk
Warspite - Gallery of the macabre, CD - Death metal
Warvictims - D-beat destruction, 7" - Crustcore
Warvictims - Krigsoffer E.P., 7" - Crustcore
Warvictims - When the innocent cry, CD-R - Crustcore
Warvictims / Tortyr, 7" - Crustcore
Who's My Saviour - Glasgow smile, CD - Grindcore
Wintermoon - Hellthrone baphometh, CD - Black metal
Witches Sabbath - New world plague, CD - Black/death metal
Wojczech - Sedimente, CD - Grindcore
Worship - Dooom, CD - Doom metal
Wulfgar - With Gods and legends unite, CD - Death/viking metal